Our Mission

At Pine Ridge Church, we are on a mission to develop Christ-like relationships with God, one another, and the world. This mission involves a deep focus on growing closer personally to God and investing in each others' lives as the adopted family of God.



We aim to be faithful to God's Word and sincere in proclaiming the great truths of Christianity, especially about Jesus and the great hope we have in Him.


Our Core Beliefs

The gospel of Jesus Christ is at the heart of our beliefs and all that we do. Pine Ridge Church exists to shepherd people into a relationship with Jesus Christ that brings restoration to all areas of life. We cultivate a community that produces the fruits of the Spirit through intertwined relationships of service and love.

Pine Ridge Church is part of the Presbyterian Church in America.
From its inception, our denomination has committed to be:

  • Faithful to the Scriptures

  • True to the Reformed faith

  • Obedient to the Great Commission

The Presbyterian Church in America has a strong commitment to evangelism, missionary work at home and abroad, and to Christian education.

The PCA has made a firm commitment on the doctrinal standards which had been significant in Presbyterianism since 1645, namely the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms. These doctrinal standards express the distinctives of the Reformed tradition.

We believe that the central tenants of the Christian Faith are well encapsulated in the great creeds of the Church, namely the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed.



The Gospel

Tree of Life


There is a reason for our existence. According to the Bible, in the beginning, God made the world and all its creatures to live in perfect harmony forever. Because of God's love and amazing generosity, that's the way it will ultimately be! God designed everything we will ultimately see its restoration through Christ.

Storm cloud


God’s perfect plan of all things being in perfect harmony forever was interrupted by the choice made by Adam (and Eve). They sought their own ways and not God's, and the whole world, mankind, and all creatures were plunged into what we see all around us now: pain, death, pride, misunderstanding, selfishness, and … but that’s not the end of the story.

Cross of Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ

God took it upon Himself to redeem His world. The Savior of mankind was promised in the Old Testament Scriptures and finally came. We know Him as Jesus of Nazareth. He was, in fact, God Himself come down to us. He lived a perfect life in obedience to all that God required of a human, and then offered Himself as a substitute to bear the guilt of the sins committed by all people who look to Him in trust and hope for their salvation. He promised a restoration of all things one day.

Church building

The Church

Right now, He works through His people, real believers all over the world who love and follow Him. We try to love everyone, to help everyone, and to show the love of Jesus to everyone, bringing the gospel to our community.

Angel blowing a trumpet


We look forward to the fulfillment of God’s promise. There will be a remaking of everything: all the damaged aspects of the creation and of our own lives and even our physical bodies will be renewed to an everlasting existence in what the Bible calls the New Heavens and New Earth. God’s people who are physically dead will be raised with new Christ-like immortal bodies forevermore. The final reality will be much like the original creation, yet without any possibility of sin or future corruption, and our savior Jesus Christ dwelling with us. Thanks be to God!




Bill Colclasure
Senior Pastor

Bill Colclasure has served as the senior pastor at Pine Ridge since its inception in 1984. He is a graduate of Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia where he specialized in systematic theology. Bill loves teaching the Bible and theology, natural science, and spending quality time with his wife, Mary Katherine, his two sons, and grandchildren.

Eric Burket
Associate Pastor

Eric Burket began serving as the associate pastor at Pine Ridge in 2022 after graduating from Lamp Theological Seminary. He and his wife Sadie have two sons and share a love for traveling. In addition to being a pastor, Eric loves spending time with his family, reading, playing guitar, and surfing.

Administrative Assistant Sadie Burket

Sadie Burket
Administrative Assistant

Ceil Humphreys
Youth Education Coordinator

Grant Payne
Student Ministry Intern

Peter Wieser
Worship Ministry Assistant




Eric Burket (TE), Greg Burket (RE), Bill Colclasure (TE), Jamie Gordon (RE), Wesley Humphreys (RE), Joshua Mace (RE), Greg Meyer (RE), Richard Morrison (RE), Andrew Sorrow (RE)
 *RE: ruling elder, TE: teaching elder




Brian Belemjian, Daniel Hernandez, Dale Kelly, Charles Knight, Bobby McAfee, Peter Wieser